Monday, October 28, 2013

The Haircut

My hair has been long and brown for a long time.  But, I wanted a change.  So, I warned Savannah that I might make my hair short and blonde.  She seemed fine with it.

I got brave and I chopped it off and highlighted it!  I was so excited to come home and show my family.  I walked in and heard:

"Nooooooooooo!  You can't be blonde!  Go back to brown! Go back to brown! I hate your hair so much!!!"

I kind of just ignored her.  Then she found the ponytail that I brought home to donate and followed me around with it sobbing that she wanted me to glue it back on.   

Bargaining away the baby

Savannah has been super into building with blocks lately.  She loves building elaborate "towns".  One day, Lily found a town and quickly demolished it.  Normally, I make a comment about her being a monster or something and we laugh about it, but not this time.  Savannah was beyond upset.  She was sobbing uncontrollably as I tried to calm her down.  Then she said,

"I'm going to put Lily in the garbage!"

"Savannah, you can't.  Think about how sad she would be in the garbage; she would really miss her family."

"Fine.  You go find her a new family with a mom, dad, and big sister."

"I'm not going to do that either;  I love her too much."

"Mom!  These are the choices!  You either find her a new family, or I will throw her in the garbage.  She will go to the dump and burn forever (someone has been watching too much Toy Story 3...).  What do you choose?!?"

We instead chose to give her some space until she decided to keep her sister around.

The Seals on the Bus

Savannah learned a new song at preschool about the Seals on the Bus.  She gave it her own twist though...

Friday, October 4, 2013

Why I deserve to go to jail

Remember the kitties? Yeah, who could forget them, right? They control my life. Seriously. My awesome sister heard that Lily never got to play with her kitty, and so she decided to buy MORE KITTIES.  A few my days ago, we got three beanie baby kitties in mint condition. They are Lily's, which causes some problems.

Last night, I was getting ready to take Lily up to bed. I gave her the three kitties. Savannah flipped. She started screaming about how she wants 8 kitties, not 5. And then the inevitable happened. She screamed, "I hate you, Mommy!"  I calmly said, "I'm sorry to hear that, I love you very much," and I took Lily upstairs. 

That should be enough, right? The little girl I gave birth to and have loved so much screamed that she hated me. What else could she possibly say?

But, apparently simply hating me wasn't enough. I overheard her tell Corey, "I want to lock mom up in jail with the longest key ever so she dies."  Well, alrighty then. Corey told her that if she said that again she'd lose a bunch of toys so she stopped. But, holy crap! How vindictive is that? She's only 3!

Anyhow, I put Lily to sleep. Nothing makes a baby appear sweeter than an older kid who wants you dead. Then I went back downstairs. As soon as Savannah saw me she said, "Oh Mommy, I really, truly love you. I don't actually hate you. I am glad you're my mommy." And then she hugged me. Obviously, Corey put her up to it, but she sounded sincere enough. I told her that I loved her too. Then I casually mentioned, "So, you don't want me to go to jail anymore?" Corey groaned, "Oh, you heard that part?" Savannah said, "Well, no, probably not. If you went to jail, me and Lily might get kidnapped."

I knew I was good for something!