Wednesday, September 25, 2013

"Hey Mom, ask me why my pants are wet!"

Like many parents, we have fought a long, hard fight when it comes to potty training.  Initially, Savannah was trained within two weeks at age 2.5.  This was awesome, because it meant I avoided 2 in diapers.  Yay!  What is less awesome, is the fact that she has had so many freaking accidents over the past year of being trained.  These accidents are usually met with indifference, or simply ignored altogether.  There are two in particular that stand out to me.

I was attempting to clean my kitchen (ha!) when I heard laughter.  I thought, "Aw, how sweet, they're learning to play together."  Then I noticed that the laughter was echoing.  I rushed to the bathroom to find my kids splashing on the floor and laughing.  

"Savannah!  Did you spill water all over?!"

"Of course not Mom.  It's just my pee-pee!"

Do you ever have moments where you just stare at your child, speechless because you're so dumbfounded at their thought process?  I feel that way more often than not.

A few weeks later, Savannah walked in and said, 

"Hey Mom, ask my bum why my pants are wet?"

Me (cringing), "Why are your pants all wet, Savannah's bum?"

Savannah (in the lowest voice she can muster), "Well, I just got so full of pee-pee that I couldn't hold so I went all over.  Sorry Mom!"

This was followed by peals of giggles.

Who says boys are the only gross ones?

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